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Add product

This is a side menu that has a form that enables the user to add the main products’ data and the data about the first variant. The form for this contains the following:

FIeld nameDescriptionMainVariantRequired
NameName in english
Name (AR)Name in arabic
Product optionsThe options that can be selected in the PDP of the product and through it the user can move through the product variants
CategoryA dropdown list for all categories to choose from
Subcategoryis disabled until the user chooses a category then it automatically is filled with the subcategories in this category
Option values (specs)This is a multi page subform that opens when choosing a subcategory containing the options of this subcategory. Each value is a dropdown list for all option types except for the input option types which has a text area to input data in
Optional categoryAnother category for the product to be placed in, incase the main category is deactivated
Optional subcategoryThe subcategory for the optional category
Brand nameA dropdown list with the brands in the system
Pricingthe main price of the product
Exclusive pricethe price when using a promo code
Discount pricethe price of the product after a certain discount
Start Date-TimeA date and time for the start of the discount, required if the user enters a discount price
Expiration Date-TimeA date and time for the ed of the discount, required if the user enters a discount price
CommissionA percentage for the product when bought through marketing channels
Discount Payment MethodThe payment methods allowed for this discount
Allowed payment methodIf left empty this means all methods are allowed
StepThe amount of the product to be added to an order (1,0.5,0.25,0.75)
OrderThe sorting order of the product in the main site (descending)
Pre-OrderA checkbox for making the product available for preorder
Start Date-Time (pre-order)A date and time for the start of the pre-order
End Date-Time (pre-order)A date and time for the end of the pre-orde
Available soon checkboxChecking this will make product viewable only and cannot be purchased
Free deliveryA checkbox for free delivery
TypeA dropdown list to choose between regular or a bundle
Has own stock (when bundle is chosen)Checking this optional will reduce stocks from this sku directly
Bundle checkout ( (when bundle is chosen)Checking this optional will display only one product in the invoice
Bundle Products (when bundle is chosen)A multiselect dropdown for choosing products in the bundle
Max Quantity Per OrderThe max quantity of this products to be put in one order (filling the "minimum quantity days" field makes this field required)
Minimum Quantity Daysthe minimum number of days between each time the client orders this product (the user can't enter a value here without filling the "Max Quantity Per Order" field )
Related ProductsMultiselect dropdown for selecting products related to this one
VideoAn input field to upload a video link for the product
Description (Ar and EN)The key features in the PDP
Long Description (Ar and EN)The full product description
Meta title (EN and AR)The title that appears on google search and other sites that uses metadata
Meta description (EN and AR)The description that appears on google search and other sites that uses metadata
Stock Notification Limit

If the multi inventory functionality is activated the user should enter the pricings and stocks of the product in each inventory


To add a product the user must press on the + Product With Variant button in the export/import section in the main products page .