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Edit product

This is a side menu containing a form to edit a main product, this form contains the following input fields filled with the product's data:

  • Name (En and Ar)
  • Category
  • Group
  • Subcategory
  • Brand name
  • Product options (multiselect dropdown)
  • Optional category
  • Optional group
  • Optional subcategory
  • SKU
  • Pre order
  • Available soon
  • Type
  • If bundle product
    • Has own stock: is the bundle products stocked together or not
    • Bundle checkout: is the bundle checked out together as one product or independently
  • Related Products
  • Max Quantity Per Order
  • Minimum Quantity Days

For a full description of the attributes and how to interact with them check the fields table here

edit product form screenshot


To edit a main product's information they must press the edit product button in the main products' table in the main products page