انتقل إلى المحتوى الرئيسي


Address Resource

idIntegerThe unique identifier of the address.
user_idIntegerThe ID of the user associated with the address.
customer_last_nameStringThe last name of the customer associated with the address.
customer_first_nameStringThe first name of the customer associated with the address.
nameStringThe name of the address, e.g. "Home", "Work", etc.
addressStringThe street address.
apartmentStringThe apartment or unit number.
buildingStringThe building number.
landmarkStringA nearby landmark or point of reference.
city_idIntegerThe ID of the city associated with the address.
area_idIntegerThe ID of the area associated with the address.
deleted_attimestampThe timestamp of when the address was deleted (null if not deleted).
primaryBooleanA boolean indicating whether this is the primary address for the user.
latStringThe latitude of the address.
lngStringThe longitude of the address.
district_idIntegerThe ID of the district associated with the address.
phoneStringThe phone number associated with the address.
emailStringThe email address associated with the address.
verification_codeIntegerA verification code associated with the address (null if not applicable).
phone_verifiedBooleanA boolean indicating whether the phone number associated with the address has been verified.
floorStringThe floor number of the address.
languageStringThe language associated with the address.
shop_nameStringThe name of the shop associated with the address (null if not applicable).
shop_imageStringThe image of the shop associated with the address (null if not applicable).
formatted_addressStringThe formatted address in the default language (English).
formatted_address_arStringThe formatted address in Arabic.
formatted_address_enStringThe formatted address in English.
areaObjectThe area associated with the address (as an object).
cityObjectThe city associated with the address (as an object).
districtObjectThe district associated with the address (as an object, null if not applicable).