id | Integer | The unique identifier of the address. |
user_id | Integer | The ID of the user associated with the address. |
customer_last_name | String | The last name of the customer associated with the address. |
customer_first_name | String | The first name of the customer associated with the address. |
name | String | The name of the address, e.g. "Home", "Work", etc. |
address | String | The street address. |
apartment | String | The apartment or unit number. |
building | String | The building number. |
landmark | String | A nearby landmark or point of reference. |
city_id | Integer | The ID of the city associated with the address. |
area_id | Integer | The ID of the area associated with the address. |
deleted_at | timestamp | The timestamp of when the address was deleted (null if not deleted). |
primary | Boolean | A boolean indicating whether this is the primary address for the user. |
lat | String | The latitude of the address. |
lng | String | The longitude of the address. |
district_id | Integer | The ID of the district associated with the address. |
phone | String | The phone number associated with the address. |
email | String | The email address associated with the address. |
verification_code | Integer | A verification code associated with the address (null if not applicable). |
phone_verified | Boolean | A boolean indicating whether the phone number associated with the address has been verified. |
floor | String | The floor number of the address. |
language | String | The language associated with the address. |
shop_name | String | The name of the shop associated with the address (null if not applicable). |
shop_image | String | The image of the shop associated with the address (null if not applicable). |
formatted_address | String | The formatted address in the default language (English). |
formatted_address_ar | String | The formatted address in Arabic. |
formatted_address_en | String | The formatted address in English. |
area | Object | The area associated with the address (as an object). |
city | Object | The city associated with the address (as an object). |
district | Object | The district associated with the address (as an object, null if not applicable). |