انتقل إلى المحتوى الرئيسي


Get Vendors

idIntegerA unique identifier for the vendor.
name_enStringThe name of the vendor in English.
name_arStringThe name of the vendor in Arabic.
imageStringThe URL of an image representing the vendor.
contact_emailStringThe email address for contacting the vendor.
contact_phoneStringThe phone number for contacting the vendor.
description_enStringA description of the vendor in English.
description_arStringA description of the vendor in Arabic.
orderIntegerAn order number for sorting vendors.
activeIntegerIndicates if the vendor is active (1) or not (0).
deactivation_notesStringNotes explaining why the vendor was deactivated.
defaultIntegerIndicates if the vendor is the default option (1) or not (0).
minimum_purchase_amountStringThe minimum amount required for a purchase.