Orders Resource
Key | Type | Description |
id | Integer | The ID of the order. |
uuid | String | The universally unique identifier (UUID) for the order. This UUID is used specifically for guest users to fetch order details. |
user | Object | An object containing customer-related information. |
date | Datetime | The date and time when the order was created. |
payment_method_object | Integer | An object containing information about the payment method used. |
installment | Object | An object representing the installment payment plan. This object is included when creating an order with an installment payment plan. |
by_affiliate | Boolean | Indicates whether the order was made by an affiliate. |
user_agent | String | The user agent of the device used to place the order. It can have values like "web," "android," or "ios" to indicate the type of device used for the order. |
state | Object | An object containing information about the state of the order. |
states | Array | An array of objects representing the different states of the order. |
cancellation_id | Integer | The ID of the cancellation, which is relevant if the order was cancelled. |
cancellation_reason | String | The reason for the cancellation, which is relevant if the order was cancelled. |
cancellation_text | String | Text related to the cancellation of the order. |
items | Array | An array of objects representing the items included in the order. |
missing_items | Array | An array of objects representing any missing items in the order. |
returned_items | Array | An array of objects representing any returned items in the order. |
rate | Integer | The rating given to the order, typically ranging from 1 to 5 stars. |
driver_rate | Integer | The rating given to the delivery driver. typically ranging from 1 to 5 stars. |
is_skip | Integer | Indicates whether the order is a skipped order when the user chose to skip rating for this order. |
address | Object | An object containing the delivery address information. |
notes | Integer | Additional notes or comments related to the order. |
invoice | Object | An object containing information about the invoice associated with the order. |
scheduled_at | Datetime | the date and time for order delivery, used for scheduling or specifying a delivery time slot. |
deliverer | Integer | The delivery person or company responsible for delivering the order. |
transaction_id | Integer | The ID of the transaction associated with the order. |
affiliate_total_amount | Integer | The total amount attributed to the affiliate. |
branch | Object | The branch associated with the order. |
time_slot_en | String | The time slot for delivery in English. |
time_slot_ar | String | The time slot for delivery in Arabic. |
reference_order | String | The reference order for the current order. |
Order Items Resource
Key | Type | Description |
id | Integer | The ID of the order item. |
amount | Integer | The quantity or number of items in the order. |
serial_number | String | The serial number associated with the item. |
sku | String | The stock keeping unit (SKU) code of the item. |
barcode | String | The barcode associated with the item. |
name | String | The English name of the item. |
name_ar | String | The Arabic name of the item. |
image | String | The URL or path to the image of the item. |
price | Integer | The original price of the item. |
discount_price | Integer | The discounted price of the item. |
active | Integer | Indicates whether the item is active. |
rate | Integer | The rating given to the item. |
options | Array | An array of objects representing the options or variants chosen for the item. |
missing | Integer | Indicates whether the item is missing from the order. |
returned | Integer | Indicates whether the item has been returned. |
missing_price | Integer | The price of the missing item. |
missing_discount_price | Integer | The discounted price of the missing item. |
missing_tax_amount | Integer | The tax amount associated with the missing item. |
Order User Resource
Key | Type | Description |
id | Integer | The ID of the customer (e.g., 1031094). |
full_name | String | The full name of the customer. |
phone | String | The phone number associated with the customer. |
is_guest | Integer | Indicates whether the customer is a guest (0 for false, 1 for true). |
Invoice Resource
Key | Type | Description |
id | Integer | The unique identifier of the invoice. |
cod_amount | String | The amount of money that the buyer will pay in cash on delivery. |
cost_amount | Integer | The cost incurred by the seller for providing the products. |
delivery_fees | Integer | The amount of money charged by the seller for delivering the products. |
discount | Integer | The amount of discount, if any, applied to the total amount owed by the buyer. |
free_delivery | Integer | A flag indicating whether the delivery was free or not. |
grand_total | Integer | The total amount of money that the buyer owes to the seller, including delivery fees and any discounts. |
invoice_number | String | The unique number assigned to the invoice by the seller. |
invoice_url | String | The URL of the invoice document, if available. |
loyalty_discount | Integer | The amount of discount, if any, applied to the total amount owed by the buyer due to loyalty points or rewards. |
loyalty_points | Integer | The number of loyalty points earned by the buyer for this transaction. |
online_paid_amount | Integer | The amount of money paid online by the buyer. |
original_delivery_fees | Integer | The original amount of money charged by the seller for delivering the products or services, before any discounts or changes. |
paid_amount | Integer | The total amount of money paid by the buyer, including any online payments and cash on delivery. |
promo_id | Integer | The unique identifier of any promotion or discount code used for this transaction. |
qr_code | Integer | The QR code associated with the invoice. |
tax_amount | Integer | The amount of tax, if any, charged on the products or services provided. |
total_amount | Integer | The total amount of money charged for the products or services provided, before any discounts or changes. |
wallet_paid_amount | Integer | The amount of money paid using a digital wallet or e-wallet. |
total_cash_amount | Integer | The total amount of money paid in cash, including any cash on delivery and any refunds. |
refund_amount | Integer | The amount of money refunded to the buyer. |
total_invoice | Integer | The total amount of money charged for the products or services provided, including any delivery fees and taxes. |
refunded_online_paid_amount | Integer | The amount of money refunded to the buyer for any online payments made. |
refunded_wallet_amount | Integer | The amount of money refunded to the buyer for any payments made using a digital or e-wallet. |
refunded_loyalty_amount | Integer | The amount of money refunded to the buyer for any loyalty discounts or rewards claimed. |
State Resource
Key | Type | Description |
id | Integer | The ID of the order state. |
name | String | The English name of the order state. |
name_ar | String | The Arabic name of the order state. |
Order Payment Method
Key | Type | Description |
id | Integer | the unique identifier for the payment method. |
name | String | the name of the payment method in English. |
name_ar | String | the name of the payment method in Arabic. |
is_online | Integer | indicator whether this payment method is online. In this case, 0 indicates that it's not an online payment method. |
icon | String | the URL to an image icon that represents this payment method. |