id | Integer | A unique identifier for the country. |
name_en | String | The name of the country in English. |
name_ar | String | The name of the country in Arabic. |
country_code | String | The two-letter code that represents the country. |
currency_code_en | String | The currency code used in the country in English. |
currency_code_ar | String | The currency code used in the country in Arabic. |
flag | String | The URL of the image of the country's flag. |
phone_prefix | String | The international phone prefix for the country. |
phone_length | Integer | The length of the phone number in the country. |
phone_pattern | String | The regular expression pattern that validates the phone number in the country. |
phone_placeholder | String | An optional placeholder for the phone number input field. |
default_language | String | The default language used in the country. |
fallback | Integer | The ID of the fallback country in case the country-specific data is not available. |
created_at | Timestamp | The timestamp of when the country data was created. |
updated_at | Timestamp | The timestamp of when the country data was last updated. |