انتقل إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Time Slot

Order Scheduling Time Slot

slotsArrayan array of time slots available for scheduling.
dateStringthe date for which the time slots are being provided.
label_enStringthe label of the date in English. In this case, the label is "Tomorrow," indicating that the time slots are for the following day.
label_arStringthe translated version of the date label in Arabic. In the given JSON, the Arabic label is "غدا", which also means "Tomorrow."

Slots Resource

dateStringthe date for which the time slot is being provided. In the example, the date is set to "2023-04-17", indicating that the time slot is for that particular date.
slot_idStringthe unique identifier of the time slot.
time_fromStringthe starting time of the time slot. In the example, the time_from is set to "10:00:00", representing 10:00 AM.
time_toStringthe ending time of the time slot. In the example, the time_to is set to "17:00:00", representing 05:00 PM.
label_enStringthe label or description of the time slot in English. In this case, the label is "Tomorrow, 10:00 AM - 05:00 PM", indicating that the time slot is for the following day and spans from 10:00 AM to 05:00 PM.
label_arStringthe localized or translated version of the time slot label in Arabic. In the given JSON, the Arabic label is "غدا, 10:00 ص - 05:00 م", which also means "Tomorrow, 10:00 AM - 05:00 PM" in Arabic.