انتقل إلى المحتوى الرئيسي


Category Resource

idIntegeran uniquely identifies the category.
nameStringthe name of the category in a non-specific language.
name_enStringthe name of the category in English.
name_arStringthe name of the category in Arabic.
slugStringthe category's URL slug, which is typically used in the website's URLs.
descriptionStringthe category's description in a non-specific language.
description_enStringthe category's description in English.
description_arStringthe category's description in Arabic.
orderIntegerthe order in which the category appears on the website, with 1 being the first category.
parent_idIntegerthe ID of the category's parent, if it has one. If the category has no parent, this key should be null.
featuredIntegerthe category is featured or not. A value of 1 indicates that the category is featured, while a value of 0 indicates that it is not.
imageStringthe URL of the image associated with the category.
attributesArrayan array of attribute objects that are associated with the category.
groupsArrayan array of group objects that are associated with the category.

Sub Categories Resource

idIntegeran uniquely identifies the subcategory.
nameStringthe name of the subcategory in a non-specific language.
name_enStringthe name of the subcategory in English.
name_arStringthe name of the subcategory in Arabic.
descriptionStringthe subcategory's description in a non-specific language.
description_enStringthe subcategory's description in English.
description_arStringthe subcategory's description in Arabic.
parent_idIntegerthe ID of the subcategory's parent category.
orderIntegerthe order in which the subcategory appears under its parent category, with 0 being the first subcategory.
imagestringthe URL of the image associated with the subcategory.
attributesArrayan array of attribute objects that are associated with the subcategory.
sub_categoriesArrayan array of subcategory objects that are associated with the subcategory. If there are no subcategories associated with the subcategory, this key should be an empty array.

Category Simple Resource

idIntegerA unique identifier for the category.
nameStringThe name of the category in English.
name_arStringThe name of the category in Arabic.
sub_categoriesObjectAn array of sub-categories that belong to this category.

SubCategory Simple Resource

idIntegerA unique identifier for the sub-category.
nameStringThe name of the sub-category in English.
name_arStringThe name of the sub-category in Arabic.