📄️ Register
A register API is an endpoint that allows users to create an account in a system by submitting their personal details, such as phone, email, and password. This API typically validates the input data, checks if the phone or email already exists in the system, and creates a new user account if all the requirements are met.
📄️ Login
To access the SuperCommerce APIs, you must first authenticate using a bearer token. To obtain a bearer token, you must send a login request to the API with your credentials.
📄️ Login Social
The login with social API allows users to authenticate themselves using their social media accounts, such as Facebook, Apple, Google, or Twitter.
📄️ Forget Password
The "Forget Password" API allows users to reset their password in case they have forgotten it. This API will send a password reset link to the user's email address or phone number, which will allow them to reset their password and regain access to their account. The API typically requires the user's email address or phone number, and may also require some form of user verification to ensure that the request is legitimate.
📄️ Logout
The Logout API serves to deactivate the authentication token linked to a user's session, safeguarding against unauthorized access following a user's logout.