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Product Details

Product Details Resource

idIntegerThe unique identifier for the product.
parent_idIntegerThe ID of the parent product if this product is a variant.
skuStringThe Stock Keeping Unit number for the product.
name_enStringThe name of the product in English.
name_arStringThe name of the product in Arabic.
encoded_name_enStringThe URL-encoded name of the product in English.
encoded_name_arStringThe URL-encoded name of the product in Arabic.
descriptionStringA brief description of the product.
meta_titleStringThe meta title for the product.
slugStringThe slug for the product.
meta_descriptionStringThe meta description for the product.
keywordsStringThe keywords associated with the product in English.
keywords_arStringThe keywords associated with the product in Arabic.
preorderBooleanA boolean indicating whether the product is available for pre-order or not.
preorder_priceIntegerThe price of the product during the pre-order period.
imageStringThe main image for the product.
imagesArrayAn array of additional images for the product.
thumbnail_imageStringThe thumbnail image for the product.
videoStringA video URL associated with the product.
available_soonBooleanA boolean indicating whether the product will be available soon or not.
priceIntegerThe price of the product.
brandObjectThe brand details associated with the product.
discount_priceIntegerThe discounted price of the product.
direct_discountIntegerA boolean indicating whether the discount is directly applied to the product price or not.
downloadableObjectThe downloadable items associated with the product.
categoryObjectThe category associated with the product.
optional_sub_category_idIntegerThe ID of the optional sub-category associated with the product.
in_stockIntegerA boolean indicating whether the product is in stock or not.
stockIntegerThe current stock level of the product.
promotionStringThe promotion associated with the product.
promotion_enStringThe promotion description in English.
promotion_arStringThe promotion description in Arabic.
is_favouriteBooleanA boolean indicating whether the product is marked as a favourite or not.
is_compareBooleanA boolean indicating whether the product is marked for comparison or not.
share_linkIntegerThe link to share the product.
rateIntegerThe rating for the product.
payment_methods_discount_name_enStringThe name of the payment method discount in English.
payment_methods_discount_name_arStringThe name of the payment method discount in Arabic.
promosArrayAn array of promotions associated with the product.
product_variants_optionsArrayThe variant options for the product.
product_variantsArrayThe variant products associated with the main product.
orderIntegerThe display order for the product.
weightIntegerThe weight of the product.
activeIntegerA boolean indicating whether the product is active or not.
amountIntegerThe quantity of the product in the cart
max_per_orderIntegerThe maximum quantity of the product that can be added to a single order.
typeIntegerthe type of the product (e.g. Single or Bundle).
commission_amountIntegerThe amount of commission that will be charged for the sale of the product.
affiliate_commissionIntegerThe commission amount that will be paid to the affiliate who promotes the product.
free_deliveryIntegerA boolean value indicating whether the product is eligible for free delivery.
cart_stepIntegerThe quantity of the product required to add it to the cart.
long_description_enIntegerthe longer description of the product in English.
long_description_arIntegerthe longer description of the product in Arabic.
related_skusIntegeran array of SKUs of related products.
optional_categoryIntegerinformation about an optional category the product belongs to.
description_enIntegerthe description of the product in English.
description_arIntegerthe description of the product in Arabic.
video_urlIntegerthe URL of a video associated with the product.
video_thumbnail_urlIntegerthe URL of a thumbnail image for the product video.

Product Variant Resource

idIntegera unique identifier for the product variant.
slugStringa URL-friendly version of the product variant name.
share_linkStringthe URL link to share the product variant.
name_enStringthe name of the product variant in English.
name_arStringthe name of the product variant in Arabic.
description_enStringthe description of the product variant in English.
description_arStringthe description of the product variant in Arabic.
video_urlStringthe URL of a video associated with the product variant.
video_thumbnail_urlStringthe URL of the thumbnail image for the video associated with the product variant.
long_description_enStringthe long description of the product variant in English.
long_description_arStringthe long description of the product variant in Arabic.
skuStringa stock keeping unit code that uniquely identifies the product variant.
barcodeStringthe barcode associated with the product variant.
priceIntegerthe price of the product variant.
discount_priceIntegerthe discounted price of the product variant.
stockIntegerthe quantity of the product variant in stock.
stock_alertIntegera notification or alert related to the stock availability of the product variant.
optionsIntegeroptions or attributes associated with the product variant.
default_variantIntegerthe default variant of the product variant.
orderIntegerthe order of the product variant in a list or category.
videoIntegera video associated with the product variant.
is_favouriteBooleana boolean value indicating whether the product variant is marked as a favorite by the customer.
is_compareBooleana boolean value indicating whether the product variant is marked for comparison by the customer.
keywordsStringkeywords associated with the product variant in English.
keywords_arStringkeywords associated with the product variant in Arabic.
available_soonBooleana boolean value indicating whether the product variant will be available soon.
preorderIntegera boolean value indicating whether the product variant is available for pre-order.
preorder_priceIntegerthe price of the product variant during the pre-order period.
payment_methods_discount_name_enStringthe name of the payment method in English associated with specific items discount.
payment_methods_discount_name_arStringthe name of the payment method in Arabic associated with specific items discount.
payment_method_discount_idsArraythe IDs of the payment methods associated with the discount.
discount_start_dateStringthe start date of the discount period for the product variant.
discount_end_dateStringthe end date of the discount period for the product variant.
discount_max_per_periodStringthe maximum quantity of the product variant that can be purchased at a discounted price within a specific period.
discount_period_cycle_daysIntegerthe number of days in the discount period cycle for the product variant.
max_per_orderIntegerthe maximum quantity of the product variant allowed per order.
value_idsArraythe IDs of the values associated with the product variant.
imageStringthe URL of the image for the product variant.
parent_idIntegerthe ID of the parent product to which this variant belongs.
commission_amountIntegerthe commission amount associated with the product variant.
affiliate_commissionIntegerthe affiliate commission associated with the product variant.
imagesArrayan array of URLs of additional images for the product variant.
in_stockBooleana boolean value indicating whether the product variant is in stock.
activeBooleana boolean value indicating whether the product variant is active.
amountIntegerthe quantity or amount of the product variant.
free_deliveryBooleana boolean value indicating whether the product variant is eligible for free delivery.
promotion_enStringthe promotion associated with the product variant in English.
promotion_arStringthe promotion associated with the product variant in Arabic.
cart_stepIntegerthe step or stage at which the product variant appears in the shopping cart.

Images Resource

idIntegerThe unique identifier of the image.
product_idIntegerThe identifier of the product to which the image belongs.
urlIntegerThe URL of the image. It represents the full-size version of the image.
thumbnailIntegerThe URL of the thumbnail version of the image. Thumbnails are typically smaller and optimized versions of the original image, suitable for preview or display purposes.