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titleStringThe title of the notification, in English.
title_arStringThe title of the notification, in Arabic.
bodyStringThe message of the notification, in English.
body_arStringThe message of the notification, in Arabic.
typeIntegerA numerical identifier for the type of notification. Notification Types
  • (1): the type of notification doesn't have products
  • (2): the type of notification have products from a sub-category
  • (4): the type of notification have products from a brand
  • (5): the type of notification have products from a custom list
  • (6): the type of notification have products from a category
  • (8): the type of notification have products from a group
item_idIntegerThe ID of the specific item related to the notification.
  • If the type is Product the item ID will be the ID of the product.
  • If the type is Subcategory the item ID will be the ID of the subcategory.
  • If the type is Brand the item ID will be the ID of the brand.
  • If the type is Custom List the item ID will be the ID of the custom list.
  • If the type is Category the item ID will be the ID of the category.
  • If the type is Link the item ID will be empty.
item_linkStringWhen clicked and type is Link the notification redirects to URL.
readIntegerA boolean flag indicating whether the notification has been read by the user.
imageStringAn optional image associated with the notification.
nameStringThe name of the item related to the notification.
slugStringA unique identifier for the item related to the notification.
created_atTimestampThe date and time the notification was created.
detailsObjectAdditional details or metadata related to the notification.