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Area Resource

idIntegerthe unique identifier for the area.
nameStringthe name of the area in English.
city_idIntegerthe unique identifier for the city to which the area belongs.
activeBooleana boolean indicating whether the area is currently active or not.
deactivation_notesStringthe notes related to deactivating the area (if any).
delivery_feesStringthe delivery fees for the area.
name_arStringthe name of the area in Arabic.
aramex_area_nameStringthe name of the area in Aramex shipping service.
movex_nameStringthe name of the area in Movex shipping service (if any).
bosta_nameStringthe name of the area in Bosta shipping service (if any).
delivery_fees_typeIntegerthe type of delivery fees (e.g. flat rate, percentage).
minimum_for_free_deliveryIntegerthe minimum order value required for free delivery.
minimum_override_providerIntegerthe minimum order value required for overriding the provider's minimum order value (if any).
geometryObjectthe geometry of the area (if available).
coordinatesObjectthe coordinates of the area (if available).
inventoryObjectthe inventory of the area (if any).

City Resource

idIntegera unique identifier for the city.
nameStringthe name of the city in English.
name_arStringthe name of the city in Arabic.
activeIntegera boolean indicating whether the city is currently active or not.
deactivation_notesStringany notes about why the city was deactivated.
delivery_feesStringa indicating the delivery fees for the city.
aramex_city_nameStringthe name of the city according to the Aramex provider.
movex_nameStringthe name of the city according to the Movex provider.
bosta_nameStringthe name of the city according to the Bosta provider.
delivery_fees_typeIntegeran indicating the type of delivery fees (e.g., fixed, based on distance, etc.).
minimum_for_free_deliveryIntegerthe minimum amount for free delivery in the city.
minimum_override_providerIntegerthe minimum amount for free delivery as overridden by the provider.

City Details Resource

idInteger unique identifier for the city.
nameStringthe name of the city in English.
name_arStringthe name of the city in Arabic.
areasArrayThe "areas" key is an array that could contain information about specific areas within the city.
activeBooleaThe "active" key is a boolean value (1 or 0) that indicates whether the city is currently active or not.
fees_typeIntegerThe "fees_type" key represents the type of delivery fees applied in this city. Fees Types
  • (1): Get delivery fees direct from delivery_fees key.
  • (2): Get delivery fees from the fees_range key, which represents a range of fees.
delivery_feesStringThe "delivery_fees" key stores the actual delivery fee value for this city.
fees_rangeArrayThe "fees_range" key is an array that could contain fee ranges, depending on the fees_type However, in this example, the array seems to be empty, suggesting that no specific fee ranges are defined for the city.

Area Details Resource

idIntegerThis key stores a unique identifier for the area. It is typically used as a reference to distinguish the area from others in the system.
nameStringThe name of the area in English.
name_arStringThe name of the area in Arabic.
city_idIntegerThe city to which this area belongs.
districtsArrayAn array that could contain information about specific districts within the area.
activeBooleanA boolean value that indicates whether the area is currently active or not.
fees_typeIntegerThe "fees_type" key represents the type of delivery fees applied in this city. Fees Types
  • (1): Get delivery fees direct from delivery_fees key.
  • (2): Get delivery fees from the fees_range key, which represents a range of fees.
delivery_feesStringThe "delivery_fees" key stores the actual delivery fee value for this area.
fees_rangeArrayThe "fees_range" key is an array that could contain fee ranges, depending on the fees_type However, in this example, the array seems to be empty, suggesting that no specific fee ranges are defined for the city.
aramex_area_nameStringThe "aramex_area_name" key represents the area name used specifically by the shipping or logistics provider Aramex. This field can be useful when integrating with external shipping services.
availableBooleanThe "available" key is a boolean value (true or false) that indicates whether this area is available for service. If the value is true, it means the area is available; if it's false, the area might not be serviceable or might be temporarily unavailable.
inventoryObjectThe "inventory" key stores data related to the inventory or stock availability for this area. In this example, the object appears to be empty, indicating that there is no specific inventory information available for this area.