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Add inventory

This is side menu functionality with a form containing the following form fields to add a new inventory:

  • Name: The inventory name
  • Code: The inventory code
  • Address En: the address of the store in english
  • Address Ar: the address of the store in arabic
  • Governorate: a drop down list of all the governorates in the system to help filter for the cities when choosing it
  • City: a multi select dropdown to choose the cities covered by this inventory
  • Branches: a multi select dropdown to choose the branches covered by this inventory
  • Location on map: a map to choose the location of the inventory
  • Lat and Lng: here the user can put the latitude and longitude coordinates of the inventory
  • Set Lat & lng on map: a button to show the coordinates that the user entered on the map
  • A save button

If all the cities created in the system are covered by inventories, the system won't allow the user to add a new inventory

new inventory form screenshot


To add a new inventory the user must press on the “+new inventory” button in the main inventory page.