Add Category
This is a side menu functionality that opens when pressing the "+New category" button in the main category page. When the side menu opens, the user should enter the relevant data concerning the new category, which are:
- An upload file button for the image of the category (required)
- The name in English and in Arabic (required)
- A checkbox for whether the category is featured or not
- A description for the category in both English and Arabic
- Slug: which is the unique name given to the category that appears at the tail of the URL (required)
- Order: a number containing the sorting number of viewing the category on the site (required)
- Add subcategory button that opens a subform under the main one and the button is then moved under the new subform if and when the user decides to add a new subcategory
Subcategory Form
When the user presses on the "Add subcategory" button, it opens a subform containing the following:
- A file upload button for the image of the subcategory
- The Arabic and English name of the subcategory
- A slug for the subcategory
- Options name: a multi-value dropdown list that adds options to this subcategory such that all the products in these subcategories have these options.
- Order: a number containing the sorting number of viewing the subcategory on the site.
- A button to remove a subcategory.
The user can add options to the system to select from in the options page.