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Add brand

Adding a brand is a crucial part of managing your e-commerce website's product catalog. This process allows you to associate real-life corporations with the products you sell, enabling customers to find and identify the products they need easily. This guide will walk you through the steps of adding a brand to your website.

Accessing the Add Brand Form

To add a brand, you need to click on the "+ brand" button located in the header region of the main brand page. This action opens a side menu containing the "Add Brand" form.

Add Brand Form

The "Add Brand" form includes the following input fields:

  • Upload file button for the brand's main image: Allows you to upload an image for the brand.
  • English and Arabic names input fields: Allows you to enter the name of the brand in both English and Arabic languages.
  • Featured checkbox: Indicates whether the brand should appear in the brands slider on the main page.
  • Add image button: Opens the Brand Image subform.

new brand form screenshot

Brand Image Subform

The Brand Image Subform includes the following input fields:

  • Image upload button: Allows you to upload an image for the brand.
  • Type value dropdown list: Includes two options:
    • "Brand," which makes clicking on the image in the brand page on the site take the site visitor to this brand's products.
    • "List (link)," which makes clicking on the image in the brand page on the site take the site visitor to a link that the user enters in a "List (link)" input field.
  • Remove image button: Allows you to remove the uploaded image.

Brand image form screenshot


When pressing on the brand in the Homepage of the main site this opens a brands page that contains the images added to the brands