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List Customers

The customers page allows the user view the customers who use the system. This is done through the following elements present on the page:

  • Customer search and filter
  • "New customer" button: that allows the user to add a new customer into the system
  • "Export csv" button: which allows the user to export and download an excel file containing the customer information
  • "Export customer orders" button: which allows the user to export and download an excel file containing customer information specific to the orders they made, which are:
    • ID
    • name
    • phone
    • orders count
    • delivered orders count
    • canceled orders count
    • orders amount: the collective amount of money paid by the customer for their orders
    • last order date
    • last order state
    • last delivered order date
    • addresses
  • The customers table

The customer is the main user of the main site and their data can be manipulated and added by them in the main site or by the user in the admin panel

Customer search and filter

The customer can search for and filter the customer data using the following:

  • search bar: where the user can search for a customer by their name
  • Select customer type: a dropdown list to filter customer by their types:
    • Customer
    • Guest
  • Select governorate: a dropdown list to filter customers based on their governorate and it also fills the cities dropdown list
  • Select city: a dropdown list to filter customers based on their city
  • Customer's no of orders from: the customers that will appear will have a minimum number of orders of the number inputted here
  • Customer's no of orders to: the customers that will appear will have a maximum number of orders of the number inputted here
  • Date from: the customers that are created starting from this date
  • Date to: the customers that are created up to this date

customer filters and search screenshot


If the customer type is guest this means they didn't signup in the main site and if they did the their type would be "customer"

Customers table

The customer table contains the following:

  • Customer ID
  • Name
  • Phone
  • Email
  • Created At
  • City
  • Total orders
  • An actions column containing:
    • View customer button
    • Edit Customer button
    • Enable/disable customer toggle button

customer table screenshot


Customers' IDs are auto generated by the system