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View Customer

This is a side menu containing the following customer's data:


To view a customer the user must press on the view customer button in the actions column of customers' table

Customer Card

The customer card is where the user see:

  • Customer name
  • Customer's phone and weather or not it is verified
  • Customer's Email
  • A login as "{customer name}" link: that opens the main site and enables the user to navigate it as the customer

The exclamation icon besides not verified numbers allows the user to change the phone number status to verified

customer card screenshot

Customer Address

This is a list of all the addresses the user has each one has:

  • the building / Floor
  • Address
  • Apartment
  • Street
  • City
  • A view in google maps button
  • An edit address button

Under is a "New address" button to add an address to the customer

customer address list screenshot

Add address

This is a modal that has a form that enables the user to add an address to the customer's data using the following inputs:

  • A google map to choose pin the location of the address
  • Address name: a dropdown list to choose the name of the address between:
    • Work
    • Home
    • Others
  • Address: a description of the address
  • Apartment
  • Image upload button
  • A set default address checkbox

add address form screenshot

Edit address

This is a modal that has a form that enables the user to edit an address using the following inputs filled with the address's data:

  • A google map to choose pin the location of the address
  • Address name: a dropdown list to choose the name of the address between:
    • Work
    • Home
    • Others
  • Address: a description of the address
  • Apartment
  • Image upload button
  • A set default address checkbox

edit address form screenshot

Order History

This part shows the number of orders besides it title and a list of orders put in cards each card has the following:

  • Order ID
  • The product bought in this order

When clicking on the Order ID the user is moved to the order's details page where they can view and manipulate it

order list screenshot

Wallet History

This is a list of all the transaction done from the customer's wallet. The transactions are put into cards that has the following information:

  • Date: date and time of the transaction
  • Wallet ID
  • Type: Deposit or Buy
  • Value: positive or negative values of money deposited into the wallet or withdrawn for an order
  • Order ID: for transactions that are made for buying

Besides every order ID there is an open button that moves the user to the order's details page

transaction list screenshot