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List promocodes

The main promocodes page has the following:

  • A search bar where the user can search by the promocode's name
  • An Export CSV button: A button which exports and allows the downloading of a file containing the information about the promocodes in the system
  • A "+ New promocode" button: to add a new promocode
  • The promocodes table

Promocode Header


Promocodes are text that the customer can enter in checkout in the main site to have a discount with a certain amount that is entered by the user. For the customer to use a promocode they must achieve certain conditions that are put by the user in the promocode creation process.

Promocodes table

The promocodes' table contains the following:

IDNameCreation DateEnd DateTypeActions
Edit | View | Enable/Disable
  • ID: Unique identifier of the promocode
  • Name: The name of the promocode
  • Creation Date: The date when the promocode was created
  • End Date: The date when the promocode will expire
  • Type: The type of discount offered by the promocode, which can be an amount, a percentage, or free delivery on the order
  • Actions: This column contains the following buttons:
    • Edit promocode button: Allows the user to edit the details of the promocode
    • View promocode button: Displays the details of the promocode in a separate page
    • Enable/Disable promocode toggle button: Allows the user to enable or disable the promocode

Promocode Table