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Rate Order

The "Rate Order" API allows customers to provide ratings and reviews for orders they have received. This feature enhances the user experience by allowing customers to share their feedback, which can help improve your service and products. Ratings and reviews also assist other customers in making informed decisions when placing orders.

  • Endpoint: api/customer/orders/rate/{id}

  • Http Method: POST

  • URL Parameters:

    • id (required): The unique identifier of the order.

If the user is logged in, they should send the ID of the order they want to cancel. If the user is a guest, they should send the UUID of the order for identification.

  • Request Body:
ratingIntegerThe rating given to the order by the customer. should number between 1 and 5.
is_skipSwitchIndicates whether the order is marked as skipped.
driver_rateIntegerThe rating given to the driver by the customer for this order. should number between 1 and 5.

The driver_rate parameter is required if the SET_DRIVER_RATE_TO_REQUIRED configuration key is enabled. This means that when customers are rating an order, they must also provide a rating for the driver if the configuration requires it.

  • Success Response:
"code": 200,
"message": "Success",
"data": {
"id": 66777,
"uuid": "2161d544-ed3e-4771-b853-7e3bae3a2bb5",
"rate": null,
"driver_rate": null,
"is_skip": 0,

Check the following section to learn more about the Rate Order API Reference