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Get Branches Order

The Get Branches Available Pickup API allows users to retrieve a list of available pickup branches for creating order. Pickup branches serve as points where customers can collect their orders, providing a convenient option for order fulfillment.

  • Endpoint: api/customer/orders/branches

  • Method: GET


Before using this API, please ensure that the multi-inventory configuration is enabled in your e-commerce platform.. Additionally, ensure that the inventories related to different branches are marked as "available_pickup" to enable the selection of pickup locations for customers.

  • Success Response:
Branches Resource

You can check more details about Branch Resource.

"code": 200,
"message": "Success",
"data": [
"id": 1,
"shop_name": "Branch 1",
"shop_name_ar": "فرع 1",
"address": "Address 1",
"address_ar": "العنوان 1",
"area": "Area 1",
"area_ar": "المنطقة 1",
"lat": "24.713552",
"lng": "46.675296",
"phone": [
"images": [],
"email": ".",
"type": "Stores",
"order": 1,
"active": 1,
"direction_link": ""

Check the following section to learn more about the Get Branches Available Pickup API Reference