Edit Slider Ad
This is a side menu that contains a form with the following inputs filled with the ad's information :
- English image mobile: the english image for mobile responsive
- Arabic image mobile: the english image for mobile responsive
- English image web: the english image for website
- Arabic image web: the arabic image forthe website
- Title: a name for the slider ad
- order: the sorting order of the ad in the slider
- Type: the of element that opens when pressing on the ad and they are:
- None
- Product: when choosing this, a dropdown lists for the category, subcategory which acts as a filter for the products dropdown list that appears alongside them to choose the product from
- Subcategory: when choosing this, a dropdown list for the category and the subcategory appears to choose from
- Brand: this shows a dropdown list for the brands stored in the system
- Custom list: this shows a dropdown list for all the lists in the system to choose from
- Category: this shows a dropdown list of all the categories in the system to choose from
- Link: this shows an input field where the user can enter a website link that would open when pressing on the Ad
- start date-time: a date and time for the start of the ad
- end date-time: a date and time for the end of the ad
To edit an ad to the slider the must press on the edit ad button in the slider table.