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List Sections

The main section page contains the following:

  • A search bar to search by the section name
  • A “ + New Section ” button
  • The sections table

search bar and new section button screenshot


The section is a way to put a group of products and/or images together in a section in the main website. It appears under the featured categories in the Homepage of the main site and above the featured brands.

Sections Table

The sections table consists of the following:

  • Name
  • Type: the type of the section
  • Products
  • Order
  • Creation date
  • Start date
  • End date
  • An actions column containing:
    • A view section button
    • An edit button
    • Delete section button
    • An enable/disable button
  • The table supports a pagination function

sections table screenshot


For more info about the types of sections click here