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Add Role

This is a side menu form containing the following input fields for the role being created:

  • Role Name
  • The permissions multi-select dropdown list
  • The order status: the type of orders that this role can view and manipulate

new role form screenshot


To add new role the user must press on “+ New Role” button in the main roles page.


The available permissions to be added to roles are:

  • view categories
  • view products
  • view brands
  • view options
  • view orders
  • view order status
  • view customers
  • view staff
  • view promos
  • view ads
  • view notifications
  • view rewards
  • view gift cards
  • view medical
  • view admins
  • view settings
  • view ads
  • view slider
  • view sections
  • view contact us
  • create orders
  • update orders
  • view branches
  • edit order
  • edit product
  • edit customer
  • edit address
  • edit product price
  • edit discount
  • edit COD
  • edit insurance amount
  • view reports
  • view static pages
  • view delivery managers
  • view imports
  • view menu creator
  • view campaign
  • view presecription
  • view campaigns
  • view payment methods
  • view return order products

The permissions of viewing here indicates that the user has full access and manipulation of the item.