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View prescriptions

This is a side menu that will display the following information:

  • Prescription ID: A unique number assigned to each prescription for identification purposes.
  • Prescription: The prescription itself will be displayed in the form of a document or an image, depending on how it was submitted.
  • Name of Customer: The person for whom the prescription was issued.
  • Phone Number of Customer: This may be useful in case there are any questions or issues with the prescription.
  • Address of Customer: The location where the medication will be delivered or picked up.
  • Prescription Status: Indicates whether the prescription is cancelled or in progress. If the prescription is cancelled, the cancellation reason will also be displayed. If the prescription is in progress, the invoice ID and the amount of the order will be displayed.

To open the view side menu the user must press on the View Prescription button in the Actions column in the prescription table

That's it! You can now use the side menu to view e-prescriptions in the admin panel.