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List prescriptions

The E-Prescription feature in the admin panel allows you to manage electronic prescriptions for your patients. The feature includes a search bar to search for a specific prescription, an export CSV button to export the prescription data, and a table that displays the prescription details.


Electronic prescriptions are digital versions of prescriptions that can be managed through the admin panel.

The search bar is located at the top of the table and allows you to search for a specific prescription by its ID. To use the search bar, simply type the ID of the prescription you want to find and hit enter. The table will update to display only the prescription with the matching ID.


The search bar is a useful tool for quickly finding specific prescriptions.

Export CSV Button

The export CSV button is located above the table and allows you to export the prescription data to a CSV file. To export the data, simply click the "Export CSV" button and a CSV file will be downloaded to your computer.


Exporting the prescription data to a CSV file can be useful for creating reports or analyzing the data.

E-Prescription Table

The E-Prescription table displays the following prescription details:

  • ID: The unique ID number of the prescription.
  • Name: The name of the patient who the prescription is for.
  • Phone: The phone number of the patient.
  • Address: The address of the patient.
  • Image: An image of the prescription.
  • Created At: The date and time when the prescription was created.
  • Last Update: The date and time when the prescription was last updated.
  • Status: The current status of the prescription (in progress or canceled).
  • Actions: A column that contains a "View" button to view the prescription details and a status dropdown list to change the prescription status between in progress and canceled.

The E-Prescription table provides a comprehensive view of all prescription details.


When changing the status of a prescription to "In Progress", the user must enter the invoice ID of the order that was created for the prescription. This is necessary for the system to track the progress of the prescription and to ensure that the invoice is properly updated. The invoice ID can be found in the Orders page in the main site.